SPAY/NEUTER APPLICATION Please complete our online Spay/Neuter Application form. Does your pet have any medical conditions/allergies (current or past)? yes/noYesNo Has your pet ever suffered a reaction to vaccinations, medications or anesthesia? yes/noYesNo Is your pet currently on any medications or special dietary supplements? yes/noYesNo Does your pet already have a microchip? YesNo If your pet is young and has retained deciduous (baby) teeth, do you give permission to our medical staff to remove those teeth at the time of the spay/neuter? Yes / no YesNo If your pet has hind dew-claws which are unattached to the bone, do you give permission to our medical staff to have them removed at the time of the spay/neuter? Yes / no YesNo Is your pet fearful of strangers or has it ever shown aggression towards humans? Yes / no YesNo Is there a possibility that your pet may be pregnant or in heat? Yes / no YesNo Has your pet given birth to a puppy or kitten within the past 4 weeks? Yes / no YesNo Along with this completed application form, animal owners must submit the following: A copy of a state or federal-issued I.D. or driver’s license* A copy of a utility bill issued in the past 45 days* Proof of the animal’s current vaccinations.(Dogs: Rabies, DHPP & Bordetella) Proof of the animal’s current vaccinations.(Cats: Rabies, FVRCP, FeLV) Pets must be currently licensed with the city? I give my permission to WCRR and ____________________________________ and our medical staff to provide services for my pet as necessary I, ____________________acknowledge that any and all information provided to WCRR is true and correct. I release WCRR, (We Care Rescue Ranch Inc.) and ______________________ from any and all liability or claims due to the loss or injury of my pet.